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AR1995 , 21 May 2021

Survivor Story

I battled a skin picking habit for over 30 years. It began when I was in junior high school where I endured terrible bullying.
I began picking my nails and then moved on to my skin. I have numerous scars on my body as testament to my addiction.
I would try for years to stop especially after I would make my skin bleed.

During these pandemic times I have spent time with myself and my thoughts and I have come to realize that I am totally and completely ready to let go of this addiction. I built this invisible bubble around me to shelter me and I am ready to tear it down. I am so tired of allowing those kids power over my life especially after so many years.

It is going to be a day by day effort and I may be dealing with this for the rest of my life. Yet I am ready to do the work because I want to live the biggest and best life I can possibly live.

2 Answers
May 30, 2021

Be strong my friend! I have derma too, and it's been going on for almost 20 years... Ugh, let's hold hands and get passed this together. We have the power to stop! Let's be free of this once and for all!!!

May 31, 2021

Thank you so much, Samueltomg. I really appreciate the support.

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