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Popcorn47 , 27 Aug 2010

Has anyone met another "in person?"

I don't mean us in particular here on the forum, but, after coming here and realizing we really are higher in number and not as alone as we thought, then I wonder if any of us have met anyone else in our lives who is also a picker. I never have. And I live in Boston, we have thousands of people, yet never in work or school have I met one or seen one (unless they do it to other parts of their body besides their face). I'd think we'd all sort of "recognize" another "familiar" kindred spirit if we met in person. Yet for how "common" this supposedly is, in the real world off the forum boards it still feels pretty darned lonely. Anyone else met or know of or seen another of us in real life? It's comforting to find support on the forum but it'd also be nice to know people for real exist.
24 Answers
November 05, 2010
I used to live in Boston and pick my lips for like an hour on the red and green lines every day. People would look at me like I was crazy but I couldn't bother to care, just HAD to get all that skin off. As for knowing others - my husband does it to his lips too. It was something that actually brought us closer when we started dating. (We don't kiss a lot because of it though). Also - when I was a kid I had two close friends who did it but seemed to just grow out of it.
November 10, 2010
hi popcorn, im from so shore mass. would love 2 get a support group and meet up! (i cant believe im saying this) but i truly feel like i could tell u guys anything! wanna try setting something up? are u from boston?
November 17, 2010
I've been picking since I was a kid, on my chin area. As I got older, and developed acne the picking became worse and included my body. My mum also picks at her skin not that we have ever openly spoken about it, just my observation. My twin sister also picks at her skin but she never did as a kid, only when she started getting acne as a teenager. I know when my sister stays over she will start to have a pick in the mirror before we go to bed, I have to tell her to stop "you will make it worse" "you will regret it in the morning" ect and that if you don't stop it will make me want to pick too. I've read here on a few posts now that when someone sees another person picking it has set them off too. So, I'm not too sure about catching up with other skin pickers in person it may just make me want to pick more.

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