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lexyw , 22 Mar 2011

daily, hourly, every minute mantra/affirmation

hi everyone! just thought id pass this along. when I remember to do this it really really helps me when I feel anxiety, apprehension, nervousness, urges, impulses, etc. ABSORB: it's about taking a minute to absorb whatever is happening right then and to just pause without jumping right into picking. ok you dont just repeat the word over and over, that prolly wouldn't be that effective, but it's an acronym. so this is what I say: ABSORB--Aware of my Body I will Stop, Observe, Relax, and Breathe. I find that the slower i say or think it, the better it works for me. anyways, just wanted to share in case it helps anyone!! [ps I can't claim credit for this. it's in the book "pearls" by Christina s. Pearson. must read, seriously.]
3 Answers
March 23, 2011
Thanks! I have been wanting to get that book but $ is tight right now and there is always the worry that it will be another let down--glad to hear comes with high recommendations :). I like the ABSORB thing- I have been reading a lot of post about meditation and "getting in the moment" to help stop the behavior and that mantra makes much more sense then the other negative stuff we (or at least I ) find myself saying when trying to catch myself--- I call them my *WTF statements* (for lack of a better term): the "WTF are you doing again?!" and "WTFis wrong with you?!" and "WTF, look what you have done?!" and "WTF, you already look terrible, might as well..." I like ABSORB so much better....thanks again for passing that along.
April 12, 2011
I guess this information is a necessary evil of the modern age and it has definitely opened newer and brighter vistas in the realm of health information. When it comes to health information the sources used to achieve the objective should be highly user friendly and should provide a robust structure of highly information! Affirmations
April 16, 2011
Your mantra is how I will begin my work to end my almost 40 years of destructive scalp picking. Thank you for sharing. It gives me hope that I can finally figure out why I do this to myself and find methods to combat my compulsive urge.

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