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toomuchpressure , 19 Jan 2012


I keep reading about everyone who is making these commitments and you know, I really want to make one too! I feel like maybe if I post daily about how i'm doing, it will keep me motivated to keep doing better! I will start right now, but officially begin day 1 tomorrow of my week long commitment. If I can get through a week...I can get through longer! As of today, I have done alright...Only picked a few minor spots. I am home alone tonight making it harder, but I am going to do it! I have to promise to myself that there will be no more tonight! Wish me luck!! :)
235 Answers
April 24, 2012
day 53...did well today! got antsy but stopped myself :)
April 25, 2012

In reply to by AngelSkin

I am noticing improvement! It's really hard you know...I am still getting really antsy when I don't "relieve" myself with a huge session. The urges are still there but when I ignore them and focus on something works! Thank you for commenting! :)
April 26, 2012
day 54...just did some homework from my therapy session...having another one tomorrow really excited! I made the choice to not go to london this summer so i could really focus on myself after my current show is over...Im super excited for penn state this year and i cannot wait to start my new life! I was super antsy this afternoon...i woke up around 2pm haha silly me. I needed it...anyways i scratched a few but then washed my face and came to starbucks to do some work. I feel like sometimes i can concentrate more when I'm not at home. It works! best wishes for everyone here! :) Keep on keeping on! we can do this!
April 26, 2012
day 55. just had therapy session...went well! i made lots of progress but I have to keep moving forward! :)
April 27, 2012
day 56...feeling antsy today...trying to not touch my face and control it!
April 28, 2012
day 56...cont. Today actually went well! i didn't pick earlier in the day and then when i came home i literally picked two minutes or less. it was great! i scanned my face violently with my hands and then i controlled the urge. was kind of weird not gonna lie but i did it! YEEE! :) here i go...gotta stay strong!
April 28, 2012
day how time has gone by so fast. I cannot believe tonight is closing night of my show and I am going to finally be free! don't get me wrong, it has been such a blessing to work on this show and to work with the cast and crew but i am so excited to have time for myself and to really make that commitment! i just bought a swimsuit yesterday and I cannot wait to work out and show off my pick free skin and toned muscles...hopefully! :)
April 29, 2012
cont...i controlled the urge! only picked for five small minutes and probably a total of 6 spots! yaay!
May 02, 2012
day 59...I came to visit my dad in california....i guess luckily, i was in a car all day so i didn't really have time to concentrate on picking! day 60 however, i picked a little...this week away from home is going to be hard for me but i have faith that i can control the urges. i don't have my bedroom or bathroom mirrors covered for me and little reminder notes every where but i have my brain and my will and determination. the pick tonight was not for too long, only ten minutes and it wasn't bad per say...I am strong. I can do this! i have another therapy session and i want to impress myself when i add up the hours i picked... yay!
May 03, 2012
day a little pick antsy today but trying to stay strong!
May 05, 2012

In reply to by new day girl

Great! I look forward to following your progress. you know, originally i started and i think aboutt 14 days in i started over...Its difficult but logging here every day or trying to at least has helped immensely. I wish you the best...We can beat this!
May 05, 2012
day 62 and 63...I tried really hard to be work for the most part. had a little 8 minute pick session just now...i was overstimulated and upset. i let the emotions get to me. It sure is hard when I'm away from home...keeping strong!
May 06, 2012
day 64...not feeling antsy today kept busy exercising and running errands HOORAY!
May 06, 2012
Do you mind if I post a summary each night of how my day has gone? I always think I can beat this habit. But it has beaten me a million times over the last 15 years or so. So I need to be realistic and accept that its going to take more than a bit of willpower (cos I certainly don't seem to have any of that!). So... today I let myself down. And now I feel like shit. I hate it when I rest my head on the pillow at night, and worry about weeping or bleeding on the pillow. I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow. I won't intrude on your comment stream, toomuchpressure. I'll start my own. Thanks for giving me the idea! Best of luck to you :)
May 06, 2012

In reply to by L2012

Of course please post your summary each night! It really, truly helps...I think if we track our progress daily, as tedious as it may become sometimes, we can start to see patterns and recognize is really eye opening! You know, i used to tell myself that will power did not work and now i look at it differently! i still dont believe i have will power, BUT i do have the power to slowly change my thoughts and habits and so do you! I know it sucks major when we have a session but dont ever be too hard on yourself! Forgive yourself and realize that you are special and CAN fight this! We can do this...we really can! I would love to read about your updates so be sure to start soon! :) Best of luck!!
May 06, 2012

In reply to by toomuchpressure

Thank you so much for your kind words. I have started my own daily log - "I want to kick this habit". I would be so happy if I could beat it and I'm glad I've found other people who understand what I'm going through. I'll keep checking in your progress. Stay strong, and thank you again for your words of support :)

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