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Jena8604 , 07 Mar 2012

Healing Products

Hi, All I've been picking for about 10 years and am ready to quit. I'm moving to a new city and want to be completely done when I get down there. I find it helpful if I can heal the scabs/sores I currently have before I try to stop picking. What products have you all found helpful to help heal your skin? Also, I find it helpful if my skin is slippery and I can't physically "pop" the bumps that my sores start out as. Let me know what you guys think. Also, any tricks or tips that you have for quitting/distracting yourself. Thanks!
1 Answer
March 09, 2012
Calamine lotion works really well after you pick something. It works good on stuff that hasn't been picked that need to be dried out. Its supposed to fade scars too. I haven't been using it long enough to know if it actually helps fade them. Hope this helps!!! And good luck with stopping!!!

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