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Frosty1 , 03 Apr 2012

Problem with picking around and in nose

Hi, Within the last year from stress and relationship issues I have picking around my nose area until it gets raw. I always think it will heal properly but am concerned it will get to the point where it will not. I am currently doing something about it by going to a medical doctor and psychologist. Just started getting help. My boyfriend has been a cause of some of this stress and work. He will pester me to the point of being emotionally abusive. He has had his own issues with alcohol. He is working and trying to help with expenses but for the last 5 years I have been supporting him and helping him get back on his feet with his employment. Now, when I need help he is really hard on me and will not stop the hurtfulness. Ready to leave the hurt from him.
2 Answers
April 05, 2012
I started skin picking because of a nasty and hopeless boyfriend who I was also supporting and trying to help get on his feet. I am out of that relationship thank god but the picking has stayed for years. You should be focusing on looking after yourself not him but I know its not that simple. Hard to just end a relationship after 5 years but I hope you have the strength to! Also 5 years is a long time for you to still be helping him to "get back on his feet". From the sound of it he won't ever get back on his feet and you are just going to get more and more stressed and the picking will get worse :(
April 05, 2012
yes you really need to stop the nose picking it is very important as it is highly dangerous. I do not have a septum from such picking and now when I go a bit mad with it I feel extremely unwell and get very bad headaches as I have to pick untl it bleeds. So the old wives tale is reasonably accurate that you will damage your brain if you do so. I did have a bit of a Zen moment about it all today as not only do I pick my nose but my face and my hands - which are a mess - I also chew my hands and my lips. The Zen moment came from reading something not about these problems but about why humans have a need to chew or crunch down with their teeth and this piece said we do so because it is a comfort and releases chemicals associated with good things. I realised then that my habits are definitely for comfort sake as my life has been one of extreme emotional neglect from all my relationships but also as a baby/child I had no comfort blanket ( like I gave my son) no pacifyers ( ditto) no cuddles nor hugs and no teddy bears. So I think this is why some of these habits developed but also the need to make my nose bleed is associated with my severe PMDD in wanting to in some way alleviate the symptoms - which were always relieved once bleeding started but now that I am menopausal there is no bleeding. I hope that this helps some body out there.

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