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2starR , 23 Jan 2013

medication successes?

Hello all, I am a thumb picker for over 10 years. I pick about every 5 minutes so I've accepted the fact that my thumbs will never look normal even if I do stop. I have no underlying depression or OCD and therefore the go-to SSRI type medications did not work for me. Anyways, I have been doing a lot of research on skin picking and am very interested in any medication success for other pickers. I know that therapy is the most encouraged option and I have given that several tries. I just think there has to be a medication to control the impulse in the brain. I read the article on the possible success of the B vitamin inositol. Can anyone vouch for that one? any responses would be so appreciated!!!!!
1 Answer
January 24, 2013
I'm on prozac for depression, mostly steming from post partum. I think it does help somewhat, for sure.

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