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Lily19 , 01 Mar 2013

Moving forward- but still fearing

Day 4 -Hopefully these don't get too annoying, but posting on here after each day has helped me a lot. Somehow, I didn't pick all day again today. I've stuck to keeping myself busy - working out, reading, anything else but looking in the mirror. I can not stress how good I feel, and how suddenly half of my stress is gone. Calamine lotion every night, band aids on fingers (starting to shift to only times I unconciously pick - In class, at night when I'm at the computer or doing homework). I've come to the conclusion that every one has to make their own daily schedule, and keep their mind on their face - not their hands. You have to be aware of picking, otherwise it's so easy to do without knowing. Maybe write a note only you can understand on your hands, try band aids - anything that keeps your mind on picking and aware of it. I have to admit I'm still scared I'll fall back. the confidence of the first three days, the pure happiness, is not pushing as much. now it's time to work at it. This is why I'm posting these, and I hope others will do the same - not only to give hope to other people, but to myself. They are like little diary enteries I can go back and read when the urge comes, and see just how far I've come in a meer 4 days. Alright, enough for tonight. Good luck to all.

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