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sajmai , 10 Jul 2013

Back Acne in the Summer, ugh! Am I the Only One?

I've suffered from back acne for about 10 years now and I have tried meds, lotions, creams, scrubs, you name it, I've tried it. I'm starting to realize just how much of an impact this is having on my life! The summer season is the worse. I typically try to avoid make friends because of the embarrassment and I have not successfully had a long term relationship with a guy due to my fears and insecurities. I have been told many times that men just don't do girls with acne, so I have choose to be alone for now. The summer is when I am most insecure, I go on less dates, less outings, and less trips. I can't find a cure. It SUCKS! I am now looking into back facials and microdermabrasion techniques but they can be costly. If anyone has experienced this and has some info, don't hesitate to leave a comment. Am I the only one with back acne?

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