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picks9876 , 30 Mar 2009

Picking Others?

So, the other day I was standing by my uncle. For some reason I bumped my arm against his and noticed he had a scab on his arm. For some reason I really wanted to pick it, with the same amount of desire that I want to pick my own scabs, if not more. Luckily I resisted. About a year or so ago I had a cat who had scabs on her ears and I picked those off of her, instead of repressing the feeling. Has anyone ever felt this way?
44 Answers
October 08, 2009
I have 3 young sons who know if I get that "look" in my eyes to get away before they get "picked"! It's terriable and I feel awful but I have been a self picker for 15+ years and my addiction has transcended the boundaries of my own body. i don't injure them like I do myself, but I will try to pick dead, flaky skin off them. When they were babies, I had a grand time picking their cradle cap! I used to nurse them and gently remove the waxy build-up from their scalps. I have never been more content...sick, I know.
October 09, 2009
I know what you mean. I used to pick scabs off my cat all the time. (we no longer have the cat..) And last week i noticed this huge zit on my sister's chin. There was such a strong urge to reach out and pop it.
October 10, 2009
this all started with my mom picking at my zits and blackheads when I was ten. I'm 29 now. :( now I find myself picking at my poor chihuahua's scabs from her eczema. This has to get better...I can't do this to my kids and my baby puppy doesn't deserve this either!
Lara Coimbra
October 10, 2009
I'm trying o avoid the best i can to look for pimples on my brother's face :D
October 16, 2009
Omg I pick the cat too, I think its a way of trying to stop myself from picking my balding head my children run a mile if they have a scab because they know I cant resist. I have picked my head, ears, skin etc since I was little, the first memory of it was when I had bad head lice as a child and my head was covered in scabs, my mum shaved my hair off which started a school life of bullying, I really want to stop this but find it so hard, I thought I was alone with this condition its great to find I am not (sorry that u have it too tho) I am in the south east uk and would love to chat to other sufferers. also I would like to know if there is anyone who can help me to stop in this area x
October 20, 2009
I love to squeeze my boyfriends face & back he gets some whoppers and I just cannot leave them alone. When I squeeze his back it is like i'm in heaven & I have to get every spot & blackhead there is. I also have to feel my dog for scabs & spots she is a dalmatian & gets what's called dally rash which is a bit like acne she gets these spots that explode, I feel bad though because I know she doesn't want them touched but I have to squeeze them, luckily she does not get this all the time just once in a while!
February 01, 2010
A good read, definitely worth a cut and paste. Thanks! acne treatment
November 17, 2011
I've been that way for years... I wish I'd never popped my first zit!
December 27, 2011
omg when i see something i want to pick my mouth waters lol im for x used to pick his scabs at the time i didnt do it ..i saw him with a scab on his arm and he went for it i said leave it alone when i turned my back with one swoop he yanked it off lol i looked at it and all i saw was blood lol anyways my husband has these dry spots on his head and i went for them i picked them things over and over and over again it would form scabs the next day here i come back to the same spot scratch scratch pick pick pick he let me too lol ....then on his side burn it had like a rash due to dryness and shaving omg i went for it tore it off so quick he screamed in pain that one he got mad lol so i had to leave it alone but it feels so good i mean i love to pick at it and wait till the next day to check on it and pick it again and again u know monkeys pick thier bugs and things off eachother i think we have the same tendencies lmao
January 01, 2012
Totally. My husband had a bad case of cellulitis on his leg, and I loved nothing more than to pick at his scabs, and pull the dead skin off with tweezers. This is actually necessary for the infection to heal. I heard a story the other day about nurses that treat burn patients. This nurse said it takes a special person to do that to someone else...noy everyone can do it. They have to peel the skin and scabs of burn patients, on a regular basis, and I thought... not to give into the disease, but that would definitely be a serious outlet for this compulsion. If you could stop harming yourself, but still help others. I know it sounds ridiulous, but...
January 01, 2012
I have started picking my cats scabs as he fights a lot with his sister this has become un controlable as i cant seem to stop n think i may need help my flat mate has told me that this is cruel and i know it is n also very gross although i still do it , i am obessed
July 27, 2013
Ok and all this time I just thought I just liked picking scabs, but reading all these comments, turns out i'm a frigging weirdo! I thought it was bad enough that i picked my own, but then my son came along and omfg i wana pick his, wtf! Its even worse atm he has dried up chicken pox, and of course i dont want him to be covered in scars, but omg the urge 2 pick thm is unbelievable! I resist of course because i love him and dont want to upset him with my weird obsession, but i gave in and when he was asleep went upstairs and picked a few of the ones that were practically hanging off anyway, as though thats ok right! What the hell is wrong with me! That cannot b normal, could cope when it was just me but my own sons that's not good! Weirdly my cousin is just the same so h'fully it's just a genetic thing and not some sort of nut job thing! ;0)xx
Lady Grace
July 28, 2013

In reply to by Tgipsy

Ok well I find myself picking my dogs ...WOW RIGHT! He has places where he has scratched hisself from having fleas bother him and I can be rubbing him and run across a scab and I pick it soooooo are we nut jobs? I don't know...but I am glad to had found this forum to find out I am not alone in this world contending with my picking and I can be open and honest about it!
September 07, 2014
From my teenager years I have been squeezing my face and picking spots now I'm in my forties and don't have spots but a lot of open pores that is prone to blackheads However I got rid of most of my mirrors so that really illuminates the desire to squeeze, washing with lemon juice and brown sauger is great little cleaning routine . but my husband seems to enjoy looking for something to pick at on my skin, to me and the sad thing is I enjoy it and find it relaxing... Sad or what. But does not after he is finished I don't like how it makes me feel. Someone tell me is he worse than me?
July 09, 2016

My mom used to pick at my pimples when I was younger and get such joy out of it. I hated it - it hurt, made me bleed and whatnot, but after my first year in college, I started picking myself. I started using it as a way of dealing with my stress. A few years later, here I am with not much left to pop on myself, and I'm moved back in with my family, which includes two 15 year old boys. It takes everything in me to leave them alone. I'm also sunburned, but on my back, so of course I can't reach it. I have some on my shoulder and chest that's peeling, and it's driving me insane.

September 02, 2016

You know some people have been able to squeeze pimples or blackheads as a profession, I wonder if they have the same OCD type of obsession as others?
There are several YouTube channels dedicated to this and some others that squeeze mango worms from animals and scrape sand fleas from feet in Africa. I was thinking that people that have a desire to squeeze and pick could watch these videos and fufil their desires by watching.
I watch and find them oddly satisfying

January 15, 2018

OMG, I'm so glad I looked this up! I too pick anything and everything I can, and not just on myself. Scabs, pimples, my nose, whatever. I'm on oxygen therapy, and my nose gets dried out from the air and the minute I wake up; I gotta go to town on it. Anything on my right arm ends up taking forever to heal because I just sit and pick it, without even thinking about it, watching TV, etc. I also had a cat who had some scabbing around her neck, and everyday I would build up till the right time to take her and sit down and really get into it. Like a whole little routine! She seemed to like it, but I'm pretty sure it didn't help in the long run. But I did it anyway! All my kids and grandkids know that look in my eyes I guess, looking at a scab or pimple they might have, and pull back and run off. The worst is my 20year old son, who had some fairly bad acne or pimples, especially black heads, and I would corner him and do his back, shoulders and arms, and it didn't bother him so much, (except if I tried to do his face). The terrible thing about it is that he now has marks all over those areas from it. I've had to buy many different products and scar erasers to try and get rid of them and it helps only a little. He had beautiful brown, tan skin coloring and now it's covered with dark spots. It kills me to see it, because I know I did it. Now I just do myself, but I will do others if they let me. Why could I not stop this even when I started to see that I might be maiming him? WTH is wrong with me???

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