
The below is a forum entry made by one of our community members. If you want to know more about your condition, we suggest you read the following article written by a mental health professional on
How to Stop Skin Picking

LondonJason , 07 Apr 2009

I have finally broken my Dermatophagia / skin biting habit after 37 years. A personal story, not an advert

Hi all I am 37 and have just experienced a massive breakthrough in my life-long battle with Dermatophagia / Compulsive Skin Biting. I know it is highly suspicious when a new member joins a forum and announces a miracle cure, so let me say this up front: 1) I have "cured" my Dermatophagia by accident as a result of medically-prescribed meditation from the British (NHS) health system, which I am receiving for my tinnitus. There is nothing to buy as part of this "cure". This is a purely personal account. 2) I have an extensive history of posting on medical forums such as,, where you can find me under the user name LondonJason and again using the name LondonJason Here's my story: I am 37 and up until two weeks ago I have battled with chronic Dermatophagia / compulsive skin biting for as long as I can remember. When I was younger I had what today would be recognized as a mix of minor OCD issues, but grew out of these like most adults. My Dermatophagia stayed with me however. It has been an acute and chronic condition. I simply could not stop myself biting away the skin on every finger until I was bleeding. Like most of you on this board I have been in a permanent cycle of having bloody fingers that were painful, disgusting and shameful. I would bite away the skin as both a conscious (compulsive) and unconscious act. I have tried for years to stop this, including: Hypnotherapy: I enjoyed a few days break but still had massive compulsive tendencies EFT (the tapping thing): ditto above Paint skin with that horrid tasting stuff: zero benefit The only thing that worked was to bind up all my fingers really tight with micropore tape. Obviously this is nothing more than a short-term measure when my fingers were in a real state. The "cure" for me I put the word cure in quotation marks as I know that: 1) OCDs are massively complex and highly personal so my "cure" may not work for anybody else at all 2) I am only two weeks free of Dermatophagia, but I can tell you kow I am looking at my fingers and I feel completely disassociated from them. I have no desire to bite, even though I can see tiny bits of skin that previously I would have to "perfect" by ripping them away. Two weeks ago I attended a hearing therapy clinic at the Royal National ENT hospital on Gray's Inn Road. I have had tinnitus for 9 months following a Scuba diving incident. I was expecting to receive standard tinnitus retraining therapy, but instead was told that the hospital was pioneering the use of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy. This has been used to treat patients (primarily in the US) who suffer from chronic pain or depression. The task I was set by my hearing therapist was to sit cross-legged in a dark room, close my eyes and bring all of my attention to my breathing. Effectively meditation. Obviously I was very surprised this is now being prescribed as mainstream medical treatment within the NHS, but I was very open-minded. The first thing you notice when you sit on your own and listen to your thoughts is how much rubbish is going on in your head (I suspect this is higher for people with OCD traits ?). In each session I had to gently work though bringng all of my attention on my breathing and become incredibly aware of my body in the present state. I didn't notice I had stopped biting straight away. The mindfulness meditation which I now do for up to 40 minutes a day is so relaxing that my whole persona felt different. It was about the 3 rd day that I realized that I was no longer biting. As well as meditation, the MBCT approach requires you to be 'mindful' and to keep you mind in the "present moment" as much as possible during the day and to observer your thoughts in a non-judgemental way. Each time, you bring your mind back to the present moment. One of the big breakthroughs I had this weekend was...I had forgotten to do my meditation that day (I'd been out drinking with friends) and I caught myself biting my fingers. At that moment I observed that my mind was racing massively around, thinking/worrying of events both in the past and future. The only thing I wasn't doing was being present in the 'current' moment. My therapist had showed me the techniques of how to get back into the present moment and the compulsion faded very quickly. After 2 more days of meditation I am back again feeling no desire whatsoever to bite. I'm going to post a few links for those that are interested. My Dermatophagia was not just a habit. It was a full-blown compulsion and I am 100% convinced that I have cured it for me. I am very happy to speak more or answer questions if people are interested. Just one final point, please be assured this is completely secular, the approach used has no religious elements and can be practiced by those of any faith or no faith at all. Wiki: Some medical research on its use in suicide risks: There are free guided meditations you can find on the iTunes store. Also if people are interested I can post a scan of the documentation and instructions that I have been given by the Royal National Hospital. I really hope that my breakthrough can help at least one other person. If any doctors / psyc's read this board, I would also be happy to share my account with them. Best wishes Jason Contains background on MBCT from its creators in the US. It has a commercial section where you can buy books/CDs but frankly there is so much for free to get started with
38 Answers
May 18, 2011
Hi Jason, Thanks for sharing your story. I am certain myself that this is true and works because I have done it myself - just using a slightly different meditation technique, which is specifically targeted to OCD and addiction healing... And I think that with some of my advice we can hone this technique into a valuable alternative treatment... I'm a picker and a yoga & meditation teacher, 39 years of age. I work full time, but I also teach about addiction recovery - and specifically about how to treat and change habits and patterns. This is my first time coming to this board, and this is the first day I have posted. I was very touched by some of your stories. Some of you have pretty severe cases of picking (CSP), and some lesser cases, but it seems like you have reached a point of beginning to search for answers, and have started looking for help... The question is, would you be willing to try a holistic therapy to help yourself out? I have access to and teach (freely) a medical meditation that comes from India which is specifically an aid for habituation, OCD, addiction and related behaviors. I did it recently for 40 days, and was surprised that I completely stopped picking (after 25 years) for about 20 days... for the first time in my life... I have kept doing it weekly though because sometimes minor picking comes back, but I'm currently working on it through regular practice of the meditation, and with some dietary restrictions, and it's almost gone now - my hands, cuticles and fingers are healing up wonderfully... I cannot make any guarantees, but in this instance, the treatment I am offering is simple, holistic, and harmless... All it takes is a little bit of commitment, diligence and patience. What do you have to lose?... I'd like to know if you and the rest of the board believe you can commit to doing something like this for yourself for 40 days straight every day - as a starting point - and for only 7 to 11 minutes per day (15 minutes total time to settle down and tune in and tune out). Then you can continue to do it 2-3 times per week afterwards, or as needed, until the picking stops... I am willing to share this medical meditation totally free, and I would like to share this meditation with the board here, but I want to do it in a way that is proper and respectful. I also want to meet and get to know people who are committed to healing, and want to try this meditation - people who can follow through for 40 days, and also respond and give me feedback on their progress. I would like this to become part of the research I am doing for recovery from OCD - and if this is successful, to help to spread this meditation technique to help many other people living with habitual OCD and addictive behaviors. Also, at the same time, I would also recommend going on a measured dosage of natural Inositol, as recommended in this article:, concurrently with the meditation. I have a strong feeling that the two together will help attack this problem naturally from multiple angles, psychologically, holistically, and internally, naturally. If you are interested, email me and stay in touch through this board. I will post up more information soon - please look on the forum in a few days under the topic "40 Day Medical Meditation for OCD and Habituation".... Truly and Humbly Yours, Fateh --
May 23, 2011
Hello. I have been picking for 20 years. I always thought that I am the only one in the world with this condition. To find this information on the internet was priceless for me. I have been trying to stop picking for th past 20 years without any success. Can someone please e-mail me any helpful information, techniques that will help me to treat my self. I kindly thank anyone who will answer to this message. Thank you in advance. Sandra
June 03, 2011
I am 30 years old and have had a skin biting/picking habit for the past 15 years. I have suffered with depression in the past and although I seem to have come to terms with this and am able to manage my life more successfully now, I am still blighted with this habit. I find myself absent mindedly picking and biting my fingers and scratching my legs constantly. My fingers are unsightly and I cant show my legs in public as they are badly scarred through years of scratching and picking. I live in the far east now and work in the financial industry. Dealing with clients and colleagues makes me nervous as I worry they might notice my problem, this in turn makes me more nervous and anxious and I end up making the problem worse as a result. It is a relief to see that I am not alone in suffering with this problem. I can particularly relate to having a mind full of worries and anxieties with regard to the past and what the future might bring. This affects my focus during the present day and I often struggle to cope with everyday challenges which leaves me worried and frustrated. I am fed up with being prescribed anti-depressants by doctors who seem to dish them out at the merest hint of anxiety. Any information on a more natural approach would be massively useful in helping rid myself of this affliction. I have always struggled with using willpower alone so any tips or advice would be welcome. Please email: Many thanks, Peter.
August 03, 2011
Hi Jason! I see that you posted on this forum a long time ago. I just came across it as I decided to start researching my bad "habit" and how to stop it. Little did I know there was a term for my behavior, called dermatophagia. I've had it on and off for 15 years, and I want to stop!!! Every word in your post rang true for me, and it felt amazing to read that I am not alone. I am so happy that MBCT worked for you, and have been interested in looking up a local therapist who incorporates that approach. I know my scatter-brain OCD-ish self would likely benefit from some mindfulness practices in my life. If there is any chance that it may help me with my skin problem, all the more better. If you still have the info you received and can still email it, I would be so grateful! Thank you again for writing your encouraging post!
John Carter
August 13, 2011
I just found out what cures mine as well! After expirimenting with marijuana, i found out if I smoke at least once every 2 days, my impulse to pick goes away. It really is a miracle plant and while it may not have the same effects for everyone else, I will smoke until i no longer have the impulse.
April 05, 2012
I thought I was the only one! I have done this my entire life. There isn't a time I can remember back to when I didn't pick and bite the skin around my nails. I remember my Mom putting something on my fingers that was suppose to burn if you got it in your mouth. Did that stop It is such a compulsion and the drive to do it is so overwhelming it feels almost impossible to stop. Sometimes, they are so bad, I wake up in the middle of the night and my fingertips are throbbing. However....I have found that, if I can get to the point that they don't look too bad and I have a manicure done with nails and all then I don't bite them....don't have the desire to bite them. Is that weird or what? Does anyone know the cause? I cannot associate it to anything...I've had a fairly normal childhood and nothing from then I can attribute it to. I DO however suffer from depression...another thing I think I've had my entire life. I will be 60 this month and wonder if either will ever end. I would love to know the cause of this. It seems to be associated somehow to stress or anxiety for me but I cannot keep it at bay. My depression is pretty well handled with mild medication, but the biting and picking seems to have a life of it's own. Anyone have any suggestions as to what causes us to do this and to the extent we do???? I get so disgusted with myself over it.
May 05, 2012
Hi Jason, I really hope you are still on this forum..I would really appreciate any help I could get..I've done this for 35 years and I'm worried about my health/infections. It's to the point I can't go in public for days until it heals for a bit but as soon as my mind races I start again. Right now I can barely type and I can't wash my face tonight either. Please send any info to: Thanks so much. If someone else received the info from Jason please respond, because Jason may not be on here now...I would be so grateful.
September 30, 2012
I have adhd, ocd, Dermatophagia, anxiety, and LOTS of tics... i never knew i had ocd and i still don't think i have anxiety... but i do have 'superwoman' complex as i like to call it. I need help and i am on 5 medications in the last 10 months... the adhd has DEFINITELY gotten better with vyvanse... adderall LOVE but made the symptoms of everything else worse. I wore gloves all the time for a while... helped! Fake nails for a while... helped!!! Nails cost too much and you can't type well in gloves. My parents don't believe in ANYTHING and have the turn the cheek method and STRICT method... which makes you a liar, anxiety filled, and control issues of many kinds.... i am 36 next month and can't take it anymore... i have had issues way before i had trauma which started at age 16, 18, and then i just seemed to i guess self harm which i never knew i did!!! i just want to be freakin NORMAL. I am now a single mom of two, work 3 jobs, workaholic, never want to have sex again or be married. OCD personality disorder.... but not a door shutter. HELP.
October 17, 2012
How do you bring yourself back into the present moment? How often do you do the meditation? 40 min a day? Do you ever spend time thinking about the future and making plans or goals? I'm intrigued.
November 11, 2012
I am nearly 50 years old and still bite the skin around my nails. It's disgusting! It drives my husband crazy, and I don't blame him. I don't feel anxious, but when I think about what's going on in my life, I can imagine that I am concerned about a few things. I then look down and notice that the meat around my nails is in horrific shape. Stress related for sure. I take an anti-depressent. Any other ways to prevent this self abuse?
December 07, 2012
Omg. I too have had this for years. It was only until just now that i have found out that there is an actual name for it. I am forever picking/biting the skin around my nails, particularly my thumbs! I pick the skin until it bleeds and my fingers are red raw, all the time. I also take it to the extent of scratching my skin mostly on my hands and on my fore arms. It then scabs up and then I continue to pick the scab until I physically cannot pick it anymore, needless to say my skin is scarred :( I have depression and am on mild anti depressants. I seriously thought I was the only one that did this to myself and I totally relate to everything I have read. I have the shame of people seeing my nails/skin. I also do it on my fingers til they literally throb! Sometimes I can't type because of it. I am so relieved to know I am not alone but as I am typing I am still picking!! AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!! xx
December 09, 2012
I am 42 years old. And have biten my fingernails, cuticles & skin since I was a little girl. My parents were constantly fussing & fighting my entire childhood. I remember going to my room & holding my ears & constantly biting my nails & skin, it seem to soothe me somehow. Well probably 15 years ago I stopped biting my fingernails, thank God. But in the past 7 or 8 years I have started biting my skin around my nails & all the way down to the knuckle. I even got a serious staph infection in my thumb 3 years ago & honestly thought it would never heal. You would think that I wouldve learned my lesson. I am so embarrassed about my hands, and my husband & 2 boys are constantly saying Mommy, stop biting your skin!!! I cannot tell you how many bandaids I use in a weeks time, I try to put antibiotic cream or vaseline on them & them bandage them up. I carry gloves with me in the vehicle, cause I bite them terribly when I'm driving or riding. I do have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Fibromylagia, and Myofascial pain. I want to stop so bad, I've prayed for God to take this from me, and I know he can. Ive said so many times thru the years that I wish I could just sleep for a couple of weeks & let them heal. I take medication for anxiety & Lorazepam to sleep & Adderall and/or Percocet for the extreme faigue & pain. But the Adderall makes the need to 'bite' even worse. I'm desperate for help
Valery R Young
May 06, 2013
I just think it's weird that MY WHOLE FAMILY would bite obsessively, (except mother) who wasn't there. This is how we watched T.V. Everyone biting! When I asked my father why we did this, he simply stated the we come from a long line of worry worts. His daddy before him would worry and his daddy before him. So, I think it is worry, Worry is BLIND and cannot discern the future, is a quote I read once. So, eat less sugar (it really gets us workin') watch other intakes, like caffieine and save the BODY, Then, take your medications for the MIND and as some of you are stating, the latest known cure, Meditation, focus on your own breathing for 40 minutes a day, for the SOUL. BODY < MIND AND SOUL! Take care of it, nurture it, Make a point of RELAXING and staying in the moment like trying to meditate All Day Long! May want to add Vitimin "B COMPLEX" it lowers stress too. "B" is for BALANCE! Good luck friends. I am 54 and just found out Medications for mental disorders are almost free everywhere! So we CAN afford some help. Ask for your local family and childrens services. Or, somewhere, the Governmnent doesn't want us running around crazy, so they do amply supply help if you want it, It sure is helping me! Free Phsyciatrist, AND MEDS!!! Look it up! Good luck!
May 12, 2013
wow i actually didnt think my habit is curable =\ i hav d exact same issue as in ur post i just cant resist picking at my fingers and even whyl m picking im thinking dat i shud stop but i just dnt till i end up bleeding . its horrible and my fingers are ugly please of anybody can help me contact me at
February 15, 2014
would like to know more about the focused thinking in the now
December 07, 2014

I have been picking and eating my skin since I was 11 years old, I am 18 now and I did not think of it as an issue at first until it started getting really bad about 3 years ago... I dont know what to do because I just cant stop and its hard to talk to my dad. I have told him about it a long time ago and he didnt try to do anything about it, he just told me i would grow out of it. But i am tired of my skin and feet looking horrible. I am ashamed to talk to anyone because i dont want anybody to get weirded out about it and some people just wouldnt understand what i am going through. I bite the skin on my feet, fingers, and my lips.. I pick my skin all day everyday and idk how to control it. please help me...

November 14, 2018

hey jason thank you soooooo soooo much for sharing this! i was starting to feel like nothing is going to work and its really nice to find out that you're not the only one with this weird habit. i would greatly appreciate it if you sent me the guide; here is my email

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