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nastyab , 10 Nov 2017

Pick the most before a special event. Aggrr!!!!

I have a special event coming up this Saturday and of course I am anxious and excited about my hair, make up, outfit, shoes, etc. Unfortunately this has caused me some stress and I am worried about the skin on my face looking perfect. I examine my face very carefully every day and look for any imperfections. Little blackheads and whiteheads that otherwise I wouldn't even notice are now under severe scrutiny. This causes me to want to pick at my skin. This is so stressful because I want my skin look great for the special event but instead it's going to look worse and it will be all my fault. I really just want to leave my skin alone but it's so hard. This kind of situation happens to me every time I have a special event coming up. Can anyone relate? What do you do to deal? I'm trying just to stay away from the mirror and not think about my skin on the face. Easier said than done of course.

11 Answers
November 11, 2017

There's nothing that will look better than it does now if you pick.
Plain and simple.
Enjoy the event!

November 11, 2017

I don't go to special events primarily because of this same issue. I know the drill, been there too many times. For me it's not even the special occasions that bring this on. Any set date or appointment activates the anticipatory anxiety. The skin picking comes with that mindstate. I just get so frustrated that I've given up on some aspects of life. Rather not put myself through unnecessary emotional pain. Live a simple life, try not to set yourself up for these disasters. We cannot be "normal" so maybe it's pointless to try and adhere to normal social behavior. I gave in to that realization and feel no need to further belittle myself for feeling the way I do. Best bet is not to be too hard on ourselves. It only aids in fueling the disordered neurotic behavior of skin picking.

November 11, 2017

Snipzie, I don't think I understand what you mean. Could you pls explain a little more? Thank you. :) :) I did have a good time (thank u :p) Just got back, actually, and luckily managed to not destroy my skin the night or two before. Phew!

November 11, 2017

Serene, thank u for sharing. I agree: these set appointments can cause stress for me too cuz I feel that I have to prepare my body to b as perfect as possible including my skin (I have moderate BDD). I don't think u should cancel special events altogether cuz that can leave u feeling like there is no purpose in life and we can't let ourselves fall into that feeling of despair. I personally believe that life for the most part is a difficult, miserable and mostly pointless journey, but I have to try to find things to enjoy otherwise what's the point. Plus if I tell ppl how I think living life just means suffering through the years, I get those looks like oh you poor thing and tell me I need medication (sad LOL there)

November 11, 2017

Totally understand your perspective on the matter. I try to find joy in small everyday occurrences. If I can feel gratitude and happiness from a simple walk or a good book..that's good enough for me. Simple pleasures keep me focused on what is good about life. I am not a social individual and it has kept me emotionally safe. No negative comments and no uninvited curiosity. There are many individuals who most likely also hide out and stay reserved who would understand and agree with your philosophy on life. It's all the social confident individuals who enjoy putting themselves out there who will likely scoff and pity you. Those who do not feel what we feel will never understand.

November 12, 2017

Great to hear you had a good time! Was it in part because you made the decision to not pick and allowed yourself the opportunity to some freedom of actual control? ?
What I meant originally was that if you have go search for flaws to pick....there is no way it's going to look better and heal in 2 days. Maybe unless it was an easy to squeeze whitehead.

November 12, 2017

I ended up managing my urges and did not do any major damage to my face this time. At the event I felt comfortable knowing that my skin looked good so I didn't obsess w it every second. I do realize that picking will make things worse not better but when I'm in front of the mirror I go into a weird trance and all the logic and reason go out the door. In that particular moment, I justify picking even though I know it's the wrong thing to do. Afterwards when I c the damage, I feel so guilty. Do u understand what I mean?

November 13, 2017

I understand....what exactly do you pick, and do the areas heal naturally, And how long do they take?
I've never been in a trance type of experience....I'm fully conscious of what I'm doing.

November 13, 2017

Dissociation and quite possibly an emotional flashback is what can prompt people to pick. Some extremely upsetting thoughts can be a trigger. I think the trance state is a form of dissociation, during which we feel as if time has been suspended. The purging of the skin's imperfections is a way for us to come to terms with negative emotions. A way for us to purge the negative feelings away from our mind.

November 14, 2017

I pick at my face: pimples, blackheads, whiteheads. I do pick from stress and negativity unfortunately. :( :( takes about 4 days to heal on average.

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