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desiree , 01 Aug 2009

One trick that has been useful

I am new on here. It's amazing how many comments I can sympathize with - the shame, the frustration, the agonizing over how to stop. I found recently that if I put just a little triple antibiotic ointment on picking zones on my back and neck that when I went to "absent-mindedly" pick - or even consciously pick - my fingers would recoil at the yucky goo and I would immediately stop. This at least gives it a chance to heal. Of course I'm still looking for face remedies because I've found this works best on little areas on my neck and back. It doesn't address the larger issue of why or how to stop completely but nonetheless I wanted to share in case in helps someone else out there. I think we all need each other's support because one of the more unfortunate aspects of this is that many don't feel they can talk to anyone about it, or even if they talk that others don't understand. If it were so easy to just stop, this forum wouldn't exist.

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