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wildflower , 16 Mar 2010

The bottom line is ........... and a solution is possible.

We have a problem. With each of us it might differ as to where or what we pick, scratch, rip or pluck or whatever self defeating, self harming, injurious behaviour that we employ. We each have deep seated reasons for what we do, be it any one of a number of experiences from an abusive upbringing, abusive relationships, traumatic experiences, stressful environments, stressful times, or any such negative, life-sucking, history we’ve endured. We have turned to hurting ourselves to cope and deal with all that. Perhaps even so that we don’t turn to harming others! Who knows? But that doesn’t make it right. It’s not the healthy choice. It’s not the intelligent choice. And as intelligent people we must realize that no one else, no doctor, no therapist, no dermatologist, no psychologist, or no hypnotist can make us change our behaviours. Only we can. It’s great that this place offers a place to share the extent of our behaviours. It’s great that this place offers a wealth of information about our disorder. It’s great that we can encourage each other here. But what we must realize is, it is our own responsibility to READ the wealth of information here and to CHOOSE A COURSE OF ACTION, not just ask for help expecting it to come from an external source. The information is here. Sure, share your experiences, share what might have caused it, but from the information offered, choose what you CAN and WILL do for yourself and COMMIT to doing it. That is what it is going to take. However long it has been going on in your life, it has gone on too long. The fact that you have come here investigating your self inflicted harmful behaviours is indication that it is time to MAKE CHANGE. Again, CHOOSE some of the solutions others have had success with and SHARE your course of action publicly here and COMMIT to it. That’s the kind of self help group this can be for each of us. Alcoholics have AA. Gamblers have GA, addicts have NA, and so on. The success of those groups is the commitment to them and the accountability encouraged. We have this place and must make choices for OURSELVES and not expect others to make choices for us. We must commit to stick with whatever program of choice we choose for ourselves. Our successes will be our own. And we can be each others’ cheer leaders. Let’s not let our pasts define us. Let’s let our present efforts make us healthier individuals. Let’s tackle our problems head on and stop the self harming behaviours and do this regardless of the hardships that life is dealing us with. We don’t need to make things worse for ourselves. Life will always have stresses and there will always be things to be anxious about but we can CHOOSE how to treat ourselves and treat ourselves right. When our problems lie with others, especially dependants such as children, we must remember not to do more harm. We must help them with their issues and the underlying causes. We must provide encouragement, not blame or shame. We must be compassionate, concerned. We must assist however possible with providing an environment conducive for healing. We must seek help and support when we feel overwhelmed, not take it out on them. Again, we have a problem and need to be working lovingly toward a solution. Read, research, choose a course of action, share, commit, and support. That’s what it will ultimately take. IT IS POSSIBLE !
26 Answers
April 18, 2010

In reply to by timeforchange

it's true, i have time on my hands at this stage. i moved here 6 yrs ago and am being supported so i can do my art. stresses just change with different situations. my picking didn't stop when i had more discretionary time. now, i'm obsessing about researching, information gathering, and sharing that info and those activities are positive obsessions that are helping me keep from picking. discretionary time is nice indeed, but it isn't always nice time tho.
April 18, 2010

In reply to by wildflower

it's also too easy to lay the blame for picking on "something". not enough time/stress, too much time/boredom, etc. whist the real reason is not enough self discipline if brought to the lowest common denominator.
June 01, 2010
to everyone that finds this place because they harm themselves in this way ...... i truly believe that it is possible to beat it. it isn't easy, but it's possible. want it and want it bad !
June 14, 2010

In reply to by wildflower

i must add that as possible as i believe it is, it is difficult and requires sincere commitment just as addressing any serious addiction does. the effort may lessen over time but it is easy to slip into old patterns so one must always be vigilant. stresses will always be present in one form or another and excuses can easily be made. strong will and desire is necessary. there is no room for denial about this. but as bad as it sounds, people have strength within that can be tapped if the will is strong enough and we are intelligent beings and there's lots of information out there.
May 23, 2010
of course, start with consulting your doctor. you may indeed have a skin disorder that there is a treatment for. be open and honest with the extent of your disorder disclosing your behaviours. you may require a referral to a psychiatrist or psychologist or the like. it is important for your health care professionals to know the whole situation in order for your condition to be treated properly and effectively. do not deny your own responsibility regarding the success and/or failure of treatment. doctors must be extremely frustrated when patients continue to self harm. medications and therapies must be supported with self awareness and self accountability for the process to be successful. i believe some of us can do this on our own with the information available these days but i also believe some of us need health professional assistance. denial of our own responsibility though is a recipe for failure. do some serious introspection and open up to others about your practices, especially your doctor(s). it is possible to overcome this disorder with a sincere, honest, diligent approach.

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