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Meggie20 , 27 Apr 2010

I thought I was crazy!

I am so glad I found this site! I never realized other people dealt with the same things I was dealing with everyday! I have been living in hell for the past 12 years with this disease. I will stand in front of any mirror I can find and pick for hours and hours and not even realize it had been that long. Its the worst at work because of the stress I think but when I come out of the bathroom my co-workers look at me like what is wrong with your face! I come out with huge red welts even bleeding sometimes,its so embarrassing and frustrating! I do it every night at work. My mom and I just recently took out the lights in my bathroom so I wont pick there but I always just find some other mirror. I was made fun of in high school because I would wear so much makeup, it made me super self conscious but I was trying to cover up the open wounds i would create on my face! I am trying to do everything to be aware of my actions! I cant even talk to guys because Im so worried about my face! My friends think Im crazy for my OCD about my skin! Ive been to every dermatologist in my area...i'm desperate to gain control of this, it is ruining my life!

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