Online Test for Skin Picking

How Severe is Your Picking Disorder? Find Out With This Free Online Test

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Marla W. Deibler, Psy.D.

Marla Deibler


Marla W. Deibler


The Center for Emotional Health of Greater Philadelphia, LLC Office #1: 385 N. King's Highway, Suite 205 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Office #2: 20 Nassau Street Princeton, NJ 08542

Credentials and Degrees

Director, Licensed Psychologist (NJ, PA)

Treatment methods

Cognitive-behavioral therapy for adults, adolescents, and children


A psychologist who specializes in the treatment of ocd, trichotillomania, and related body-focused repetitive behaviors.

Contact info

Phone: (856) 220-9672

Start your journey with SkinPick

Take control of your life and find freedom from skin picking through professional therapy and evidence-based behavioral techniques.

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