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waterglassperson , 26 Nov 2011

Remove all mirrors in your house and bathroom to reduce picking

I talked about this a little bit in my last post but I think it is important enough to say again. Most of the time I pick my face it is in the bathroom. So permanently remove ALL mirrors in your house, even pocket mirrors and makeup mirrors and such. When I got rid of my mirror in my bathroom I picked less because it was harder to pick. And don't just cover the mirror with paper or a bed sheet completely remove the mirror altogether. That's my advice.
18 Answers
November 26, 2011
While this might be helpful it seems like your just avoiding the problem- and in public places there will be mirrors my advice is to tolerate your image and try to kick the habit
December 27, 2011
It is a good idea, but it is hard when you live with other people. When I'm at home, I cover up the mirror in the bathroom I use most often with paper towels (and I just don't go in the other bathrooms). When I'm at school, I just have to deal with the fact that there are mirrors there. I know it's not a perfect solution and it doesn't address the underlying cause, etc. but it is one little helpful thing I can do for myself...
December 27, 2011
I believe it's good to avoid mirrors to stop the habit. I also believe that skin picking is not just a habit but a means to calm one's state of being. No matter what - when you take the habit away you'll meet your own reasons to pick. It's good and it's important to work at it.
December 31, 2011
my mum removed all the mirrors in the house for a while. it worked to some extent but i still picked without them while watching tv etc.
February 19, 2012
Tried it. Didn't work. Just found other places to pick. I've been doing this for 20 some years and I've got my favorite spots down pat. I don't need a mirror anymore, the damage I do is hidden from most eyes, and the skin heals remarkably easily there. Listen to me I sound like a drug addict searching for just that right vein. This is crazy making.
March 10, 2012
Yeah, my problem is that I definitely don't need a mirror. I'll pick my face while in bed falling asleep for crying out loud!!
February 11, 2013
Very innovative thought . I like to try this one .I would love to share this thought on my face book group to get more response.
February 28, 2013
just always remember that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health as per government advisory.
March 01, 2013
I never do it in front of a mirror. I go by touch. I run the pad of my finger over my lip, and if it feels like it is uneven, chapped, awkward, whatever, I end up picking at it. Then it cascades from there, I guess maybe it's OCD, but once I've started it becomes "uneven", so I pick more to even it out, and it just gets worse and worse... It's mostly subconscious, like while watching tv or a movie or youtube. I don't realize I'm doing it, until it is too late..
May 08, 2013
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June 07, 2013
Bathing room ground tile concepts for bathroom ground can help you know what choices to consider for your bathrooms and can help you have the very best bathroom possible. Here are bathroom ground tile concepts. bathroom
September 27, 2013
I don't use a mirror. Actually I usually feel the differences and can be watching TV and will start picking. So this wouldn't help me. :(
March 12, 2014
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