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mirrorwarrior , 24 Nov 2012

Day 0

Hello! My name is Stephanie. I haven't posted on these forums in a while, but I will be for the next 30 days. What I'm about to do is more than a 30 day challenge. In fact, my ultimate goal is going 90 days without picking. But let's not get carried away too soon. ;) I know the mind is capable of beating disorder. I know this because I've crushed depression by myself. It's not a matter of over and done with, but a matter of knowing triggers and perpetual maintenance. I barely do anything out of the ordinary now to manage my depression. I've simply made it a habit to do the things that dissolve it. Today I start my final run to do the same to dermatillomania. It's a matter of self-discipline. I have little to none in regards to skin picking at the moment. That's okay. I'm not going to sugar coat anything. It's reality. But what I can do is build on what little self-discipline I have in order to jettison my success. Like lifting weights, it will be gradual and difficult, but worth the results. I reference a lot from my favorite blog, I've read and used insight from his blog for years and it has truly changed my life. It's well worth multiple visit, but I won't need to twist your arm once you visit it once. He had a series on self-discipline which I am using to crush my habit for good. Below is my plan for doing so. Objective: I will break my habit of skin picking by working toward and going 90 days without picking my skin. Acceptance: I have a low level of self-discipline, but I can build from here. Willpower: I've made a plan. - Establish the beachhead. (Cover trouble mirrors, put something on coffee table for touching fixation, keep nails short and painted, put my goals in front of me everywhere, install scoreboard, post motivations, create reward system) Hardwork and Industry: Stay on track. Do the hard work and work hard. - Daily (post on forums, take progress picture, wash face morning and night, update scoreboard, post current day in bathroom) Persistence: Maintain actions regardless of feelings. - If you slip up, jump right back on the train. This is so much more than appearance. Is building the discipline to create the life you love. Keep lifting weights! I have a scoreboard installed that I will update daily starting tomorrow. It has on it the date, current day without picking, current streak, longest streak, next streak to a reward and ultimate goal (90days). This keeps me on track. On it I have motivational quotes as well as the 'bonus packs' I get from succeeding including self-discipline, self-esteem and self-confidence. My reasons include looking great in photos, feeling great, showing others it's possible, wasting less time and completion of a goal. My goal is not to go from tomorrow to 90 days in one shot. That would be like trying to pick up a 150 lb weight when I haven't been training with 20. I will simply increase the days I can go without picking until the ratio is in the green. This will help me gradually get to my goal of 90 days. I will post here everyday. Sometimes short posts, sometimes long, for at least the first 30 days to help keep me on track. My secondary hope is that I can be of some help to others facing this problem that I've battled for so many years. Best of luck, Steph
19 Answers
November 25, 2012
Day 1 - It's amazing how once you make a conscious effort to change a habit, you start to realize how it ties into everything. I used to wake up and go straight into the bathroom to check 'progress' and just tear up my face. This morning it is particularly hard. I've done so much damage recently that my face is full of 'things I'd love to do'. Hardened spots to pick off that I won't be able to cover up with makeup today for work... Three of them on my chin. I keep touching them unconsciously and have to remind myself to stop. Literal divets in my forehead that I don't know what to do with. And I can't wear a hat to work... Last night I seriously had my call out excuse made up, but I really need the money and am an hourly worker. Christmas is coming up and I can't afford to miss hours since they barely give me any to begin with. So, to work with shitty skin I go... There is something different about how I feel about my skin now than I did when I just had acne without touching my face. Before, I was like 'this sucks and its gross' and now I'm like 'this sucks and I'm gross'. There is an amount of shame that comes with it since its self-inflicted. The funny thing is, no one knows that but it still makes me much more subconscious about it. I guess one thing to look forward to is that after today, I won't see my work mates for about a week. By then, hopefully ill look so much better. Until tomorrow, Stephanie
November 26, 2012
Day 2 - So far, so good. Is been rough. I feel like I'm trying to lose 10 pounds but instead of taking away the temptation, I've been locked in a candy store. My skin in full of 'I want to's'. I took my third progress picture today. No improvement. I didn't think so, but you know... I just needed to check. Hanging on, Steph.
November 28, 2012
Day 3 - It's the end of day 3. Truthfully, my skin looks a lot better. I've been pretty libral when it comes to conscious scratching, as I've been scratching my face with my nails to get rid of the 'peely' ones. I still consider this okay since almost all my damage is usually done by time spent in front of the mirror. I know, ideally, it's not alright, but if my skin was normally clear anyway I'd have nothing to scratch! I am honestly proud of myself. My skin looks great. I will keep on keeping on! - Steph
November 28, 2012
Day 4- I just realized I have a college pictures tomorrow... And my skin looks great! It's certainly not completely clear, but I've been working hard (or not working hard depending on how you look at it :)) and its good enough for pictures. I feel so much stronger and happier in general. I'm so happy I decided to try again after years of failure. It's never too late to change. -Stephanie
November 29, 2012
Day 5- It is wonderful to be on day 5. I can't believe how exponentially better my skin is. To helpme100: the biggest help for me is covering my trigger mirrors! I don't think I'd be able to get this far without covering them. I put my makeup on in a mirror that is close to a window in flattering light so I can't see all of the imperfections. It's a bad 'seek and destroy' mirror. I would suggest anyone quitting for that to be their #1 weapon. I know it can be hard if you live with others, but I would suggest 'coming clean' if at all possible. I live with my boyfriend and he is the most understanding and supportive person. Stopping picking makes it sooooo much easier with him. Get all the support you can! - Stephanie
November 29, 2012

In reply to by mirrorwarrior

Good going Stephanie and thanks for the advice. I have hidden my magnified mirror and on my bathroom mirror at home I have put lipstick spots on my reflection (must do with one eye closed) where my "problem" blemishes are. The less I pick, the more these fade and then i can wipe the lipstick spot off. I have also written Gorgeous Girl in eyeliner at the top :-) If only i could do that to all mirrors! In my diary I've also created daily scores for Picking (conscious/subconscious)- low, moderate, high. And Number of problem blemishes - 1,2,3,4,5+ Wish me luck. xo
November 30, 2012
Day 6- I'm so impressed with myself for getting this far on my first shot in a while. I thought I was going to relapse daily for the first few weeks, but here I am and my skin looks great. I can't quite say I'd run out to the mail box without makeup yet, but if I keep continuing on this path, I don't see why I couldn't soon. It's pretty cool looking at my progress picture from Day 0 to now. My skin is rosy and glowing a lot of places. It's so nice. A reward in itself. I have to say, I've still been 'searching' with my hands while not in front of the mirror though, and it allows to me find and recognize things I'd like to take care of. There are those super shallow skin tone ones I know I can get in the hollows of my cheeks because I can feel them. They're driving me a bit insane, but I'm resisting. Willpower...! - Stephanie
December 01, 2012
Day 7- Woo! A week has passed since I spent some QT up and close with my mirrors. My skin looks awwweesssoommmeee. I encourage each and every one of you to try to beat your last 'streak' even if its only a few hours. Be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up over small 'accidents'. Look at the bigger picture and see your strengths. Building on that is so much easier and accounts for more successes. There is one month left in the year 2012. I'm loving every second of this new habit, or anti-habit rather. Truthfully, I really wanted to start another habit in December before the year is up, but I'm afraid adding onto my current plate will cause my new skin habit to break. I'm contemplating this one... And I don't have much time. - Stephanie
December 02, 2012
Day 8- So far, so good! It's been over a week and I've resisted a bit of temptation. My skin looks great and I feel great. Woop!
December 02, 2012
Hi mirrorwarrior/Stephanie, Just wanted to say that I've enjoyed reading your posts on here. You seem to have a great outlook. Congratulations on your success so far.
December 03, 2012
Day 9- Yesterday was truly a testament to where I have come in just over a week of 'abstinence'. I woke up in a horrible mood, ended up quitting my job and then got a call that my mother was in the hospital. Not to mention my house is a wreck and I'm in such a financial hole it's laughable. Given all that, I haven't done a thing. Normally, it would just fuel the fire and I would spend hours in the mirror, letting my head run and trying to calm my anxiety by picking out all the imperfections I could. If it was only that easy with life. My skin looks good today. A little ruddy, not as glowy, but I guess that is expected. I'm going to keep rolling. Thanks to everyone showing support. I appreciate it! - Stephanie
December 03, 2012

In reply to by mirrorwarrior

Sorry to hear about your mom! I hope at least your job was bad so that quitting is a positive. It's OK for your house to be a wreck sometimes. Also, most of the world is in a financial hole currently so no worries. Just think, soon you won't have to spend money on concealer!
December 06, 2012
Day 11- Sorry I didn't post yesterday! I didn't slip up picking, I just forgot to post. But I'm trying to get in the habit of forgiving myself, so it's okay. I will get right back in where I left off posting. :) I've found something interesting happening. A few years ago, I got to about 28 days without picking. During that time, I had an interesting phenomenon happen, and its starting to happen again. And it's dangerous. I begin to reason with myself in an extraordinary fashion. For instance, there are a lot of things I want to take care of on my face. Those little white ones and little black ones. I know I'm guaranteed to get something out of them. Now my brain is trying to reason with me. Well, if you want to, why don't you pick? Why would you try to stop something that would make you feel good? Don't you remember how good it felt to get all that stuff out? If you want it, go ahead! But I saw my skin in a public bathroom today, and... I liked it. I looked nice! Great even... And knowing that I have to post on these boards helps me a bit. I don't want to disappoint you. Even if I slipped up, I would start again. As a side note, my mother is better and out of the hospital. And I am happier than ever without that stupid job. I no longer dread the weekends. Life is good. Keep on rolling. - Stephanie
December 07, 2012
Day 12- The temptation is still there, but I've been disciplined. My new habit of making sure I wash my face before bed has proven very beneficial. What I thought was a sure fire problem a few days ago turned out to be a benign little bump. What do you know! The reasoning is still there, but it doesn't work as much when I can't look in the mirror to see what I could do. - Stephanie
December 07, 2012
Day 13- Another successful day at resisting temptation. Tomorrow marks two weeks... :)
December 08, 2012
Day 14- It's officially been two weeks. Tomorrow I will be halfway to my 30 day goal. I came close to picking today, but I didn't. Somehow the pillowcase got lifted from the mirror. But I gently put it down and walked away. The reasoning is still going on. I'm starting to convince myself that if I pick just a little then my skin will look better. I'm pretty sure that type of reasoning is what got me into this mess. - Stephanie
December 10, 2012
Day 15- I can't believe it's 15 days into my journey. Just 15 days ago it felt like I was hopeless and now I haven't touched my face in... 15 days! It's very motivating, but I won't say it's easy. Every time I catch myself in the mirror I still look. And I think that's the thing... I wish I could be like non- pickers in that I didn't 'seek and destroy', that I didn't touch my face incessantly and unconsciously, that I didn't WANT to pick. But I think that's just part of dermatillomania. I think that's like an alcoholic is always an alcoholic. We'll always have the susceptibility. We'll always be at risk. And that's why we need to fight, every day. That's why we need to be aware and strong everyday. Because every day is a decision and a commitment. One I plan on making tomorrow, and the next day... - Stephanie
December 11, 2012
Day 16- All is well. Nothing new to report. :)

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