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Fleegan , 03 Jun 2013

Looking to find others to relate too.

Hi there I'm new to this site, and I'm hoping that I can find others out there who I can talk to about skin picking. I'm 22 years old and getting married in August. I have a loving fiance that has been very patient with me and picking. I will pick anywhere on my body. I chew my thumbs I squeeze all pores I can. My breasts are a huge target to squeezing and digging but it's my pubic bone that gets the absolute worst. I shave the hair and then after a day or 2 begin to dig and pull out the hairs that are just below the skin, with tweezers. Once the hair is removed I start to rip and dig out the hair follicle with tweezers, atleast thats what I think it is. It thick and white and bigger with newer hairs. After that something else comes out, nooo idea what it is. Kinda slimey? I'm left with holes in my flesh,my entire pubic bone is covered in round scars and other healing spots. The wost part is that I do eat the follicle... No one knows that one but me. Anyways I'm hoping that I can start talking with others out there. Find support. It's a subject that most people get uncomfortable with, if they can comprehend it at all. Thanks! Looking forward to getting to know some of you.
5 Answers
June 03, 2013
I am new also - i think i just needed to talk to people that understood instead of doctors and councillors that cant understand properly. The fact that you are soon to be married gives me some hope that i will find someone who will be able to see past my horrific scaring - it has always been a worry for me that i will never be with anyone as to look at me would fill them with disgust. Can i ask how you brought up the subject with your fiance? Its just something that i have gone over in my head a billion times; how to tell someone that is. If you would rather not say i totally understand though - i dont want to poke my nose where it does not belong. As for the skin picking, for me too it is basically anywhere and everywhere, though it is mainly focused on my back, shoulders and chest area. I have plenty of scars everywhere else though. My knees have always annoyed me as i try to ignore the marks and wear shorts only for people to make comments and ask what they are and how did i get them. It's all very well the doctors giving me pills to reduce anxiety and creams to rub in but no matter how hard i try i just cant seem to stop. It makes me kind of relaxed doing it, which is immediately followed with regret but that never stops me.
June 03, 2013

In reply to by QuietAsAMouse

Forgot to also say, that sometimes his anger or disgust by it helps. Even just a few times I can will myself to stop so that he won't be disappointed in me. You will find someone who can look past it though. It's not who we are it's just something we carry with us. Ateast thats how I see it.
June 03, 2013

In reply to by Fleegan

I like "it's not who we are its just something we carry with us" - i never thought of it that way. It just seems like I'm fighting a loosing battle sometimes i guess. You are lucky to have someone to support you or just act as an incentive to stop or at least ruduce the amount of picking. Its weird - i only realised within the last year or so that there were others like me - its a comfot i think, knowing that it isnt just me who struggles with this.
June 03, 2013
Well living together and having sex makes it hard for him not to notice. I used to say they were shaving cuts, until one day I just said the truth. He has his moments where he gets angry with me and tell me to just stop. He doesnt understand I can't just stop. Ive been on Cipralex for years and seroquel at another point. I've done counseling since the fall of 2011. My fiance at this point in time has locked up my tweezers...which actually helps a lot. I did buy another pair which I plan on handing over. I still pick with out them and use a pin as well. It is less damaging though. The nice thing with my pubic bone is no one sees it except me and him.
September 08, 2013
I understand . I'v been doing this since i was about 2 or 3 and I'm 21 now. If you wanna talk abouit it email me at

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