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tarab , 29 Jan 2009

Smokers & Pickers!

Maybe.. And I have no idea but a lot of the people I talk to that are pickers are smokers also. I know, right? Weird.. I am a smokers and have been for awhile I don't pick as much when I am smoking a cigarette but I am just wondering if your a skinpickersmoker?
9 Answers
February 04, 2009
yes i am a longtime picker and i smoke too:) i pick at my lips so somtimes ill actually do them both at the same time thats like an awesome time for me lol but i have a few close friends and relatives that seem to have caught the picking fever and they also smoke too. im not rly sure what this means but i thought i would let u know as a fellow picker/smoker
February 04, 2009

In reply to by chapstick

Thanks for speaking up about this issue. It's very strange right? I also do both but I pick lips and fingers at the same time. It can't be good because of germs. But thanks again!
February 28, 2009
im a smoker too.. i think the correlation might be that it gives you something to do with your hands.. keeps you distracted and even calms you a bit while you do it.. its a shitty thing but it does help me deal... sometimes when im in the middle of picking i can get myself to stop by my cigarette cravings.. ill tell myself. if i stop now i can go have a cig.. trading one addiction for the other...
July 16, 2011
i am a smoker and picker as well. i think it has something to do with the anxiety we all feel. picking calms me down and smoking calms me down, but smoking calms me down from picking. if that makes any sort of sense.
July 17, 2011
I'm a smoker and a picker. I inherited the picking from my mom. I smoke almost 2 packs a day, because I also have insomnia. I'm just a mess lol Insomnia is, in my opinion, the root problem. I smoke one after the other and pick obsessivly when I can't sleep. Anyone else going through this?
July 17, 2011
I'm a smoker and a picker. I inherited the picking from my mom. I smoke almost 2 packs a day, because I also have insomnia. I'm just a mess lol Insomnia is, in my opinion, the root problem. I smoke one after the other and pick obsessivly when I can't sleep. Anyone else going through this?
July 29, 2011
I came down with a really terrible case of strep throat about six days ago, and am just now getting better, but i decided to take this time to quit smoking and quit caffeinated drinks as well. So far it's been pretty easy since my throat is so sore I can't imagine smoking a cigarette. Also, my face has healed up nicely from all the antibiotics and lack of energy (to pick) so we'll see once I'm back on my feet if I can keep it up.

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