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moshemerm , 22 Aug 2014

Scalp picking

I em 16 years old I have been picking my scalp since the age of 12 I em starting to sop But I em wondering if the hair in the bald spot will start growing back
2 Answers
August 29, 2014
Hey, what do you mean by picking your scalp? Are you pulling the hair out or trying to squeeze spots?x
Secret Girl
September 02, 2014

In reply to by Katpippy

My Autistic son has began picking his scalp until bald spots appear. We have sought treatment and are using the ointment that we were given. But the reason I am writing is to let you know that the hair will grow back. Several spots that were previously bald on my son's scalp, after using the medicine, has began growing new hair. You can see and feel the "stubble" of new hair. So take heart, if you leave those bald spots alone, they will eventually grow hair again.

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