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bottervliegie , 20 Sep 2010

21-Day Challenge

Hi everyone! I hate how I feel about myself and I hate how my skin looks when all I really want is smooth and beautiful skin. I figure that we've got this absolute desire to be beautiful and have perfect skin while spots, blackheads, coarse cuticles, ingrown hairs, etc. is not welcome on beautiful skin. So, a combination of this perfectionism, impulse and, well, addiction, makes us scar ourselves and also hate ourselves for doing so. .................................................................................................................................................... Now, here's my challenge: You've probably heard that it takes 21 days to combat and quit a bad habit. I am going to try and do it with skin picking. I have posted post-its on all my mirrors and usual picking spots in the house with just "DAY 1" to remind me of what I am up against. I will change this daily, but if I falter, I have to start back at day 1. .................................................................................................................................................... I really want to change my life and be free of this and I am going to take the bull by the horns... WHO'S WITH ME?? I will post my progress on this topic and I encourage you to do the same, starting with today as DAY 1!
241 Answers
January 29, 2011

In reply to by rachel_e

Good luck rachel_e! I wish you all the best support, encouragement, and well wishes wherever you are!! Here's to another try! You can make it! ~Anne
January 31, 2011
Hello 21 Day Challenge all can do it! I thought I would never get as far along as I have and thanks to help at home and all of your posts, today I am on lucky Day 13. I am more than half way through to try and change my past behaviors. Wish me luck.
January 31, 2011
i'm so happy for you gtilly19! you give us hope that we can make it too! keep it up and stay strong and focused. good luck, we're all with you :) i'm on day 1 as well and i'm very optimistic about this. everytime i was about to pick during the day, i remembered my goal and it helped me not to. i wrote the numbers from 1 to 21 on a piece of paper and after every succesful day i will erase one number and maybe also give myself a treat ;) come on guys we all can do it! :)
February 01, 2011
Hello, this is my first time posting on the site. I'm 18 and I've been picking since middle school, but recent events have landed me in therapy. I was diagnosed with OCD and later learned that 25% of people with OCD also CSP. Though I'm on medications, none have helped with my urges. Maybe the behavior is just too deeply ingrained, almost like muscle memory. Anyway, this site is a huge relief after years of "Just stop, why would you do that to yourself?" I'm starting the 21 day challenge now. I feel like it will be forever, but in the immortal words of Tyra Banks (I have a girl-crush on her hahaa) you gotta believe to receive. DAY 1
February 01, 2011

In reply to by Mallory

Just a little self motivation (sorry the link doesn't work, but it's worth the two seconds it takes to copy and paste it):
February 01, 2011
Back to Day 1 for me. It started this weekend, one pimple on my arm, I went all day resisting then gave in, it got worse the last few days and I fell back on some old habbits. But Im going to try again today, because looking in the mirror this morning, my skin back to its old condition, I realized that I am worth the effort to quit. I know it sounds simple, but I've never felt that kind of pride in myself before that I did those 10 days when my skin was actually clear. Here's to trying again. I feel hopeful, like I just might make it this time. ~Anne
February 01, 2011
Hey everyone, new to this so sorry for the long post! I was wondering what it feels like to get to day 21?! Must be amazing! I'm 21 and have been picking well...ever since I can remember, started with my scalp as a kid and progressed to my face and just about everywhere else when acne started. Saw a similar plan on another site but only managed to go 2 days cold turkey, but then started making exceptions again - however I think I've at least reduced it quite a bit - it's so nice to go out without layering loads of makeup on top of my problem skin! Tried the old elastic band on the wrist which worked for a while, but then got bored of it. Will definitely try the avoiding the body language that signals an ongoing picking session. Have just spent a lot of money on a product called Aknicare - tried it today and it feels quite nice, hope it works (and I stop picking while I use it!). Can I just say how relieved I am to find a place where people are not only talking about the problem (only found out a week ago that it was actually called dermatillomania and that other people had it) and that the forum's so positive! So, back to day 1 - good luck to everyone whatever stage you're at! :)
February 02, 2011
OK, I made it to day 14 this time and then in a moment of weakness I picked. Not too bad, but bad enough that I have to admit it and start over. I have learned some things though, both in this process and from this new dermatologist I am seeing. One useful thing that I had done occasionally, but had never really committed to is ice. She says whenever I have the urge to pick, just ice my face instead. also each morning and night right after I wash my face I rub a bare ice cube over my entire face, especially the problem areas, until the ice cube it completely gone and melted. Yes, it is very cold and takes about 2- 5 minutes, but it really seems to help keep inflamed acne down and speeds the healing of any places where I have picked. The trick is to not start picking right after I ice. In the last couple weeks, between the icing and the not picking, my skin has cleared up substantially (still some issues, but not as bad). This is why I was so disappointed that I picked again. But 14 days is not bad and I am hoping this next time I will make it longer. So today is day 2 of this attempt.
February 03, 2011

In reply to by Jolene

That's so great you got to day 14! I'm sure you're disappoined but like you say 14 days is not bad at all. You've given me hope I can do the same. I'm on day 7 but I'd made such a mess of my skin the last time I picked that I'm only just started seeing an improvement now. I'm definitely going to try your tip of icing my skin to try to help some of the areas which are still a bit red/inflamed. I've got pale skin so I feel any redness is really noticable. Good luck on your second attempt! I'm on my second attempt too and after a difficult first couple of days I've found it a bit easier this time around.
February 06, 2011
Found this forum last night while googling "why can't I stop picking my skin?". OMG I can relate to so many of your stories and will share as I get familiar around here. For now, I just want in on this challenge! Last night after reading the posts, I got up from bed, went to the bathroom and cleansed my face - I use Proactiv - I vowed to start immediately stop picking my skin. I pick my face, my chest, my arms.......I used to pick at my legs but got a horrible infection so I refrain from that even when I see an ingrown hair or anything and that is such a challenge. My face is definately my worst victim. It's a total mess right now. I was picking pretty bad yesterday before I started to quit so DAY quite uncomfotable. I have some raised cysts that I know need to be "squeezed" & am itchy from the places that are healing. Even though my head says touching these areas is just going to make it worse, I can't keep my hands off my face. But I haven't picked yet. Hopefully after some exercise & some good skin treatments I will get through today. I plan on cleansing & using the Proactive refining mask today. It's going to be a tough one. So glad I found you guys. I feel so alone & like a freak sometimes. I have been blessed with wonderful friends and family that have never said anything negative towards me about my picking, so this is entirely for me. I just want to be able to throw my hair in a ponytail over the weekend & not have to glob on tons of makeup to hide my face everyday. I'm 35 btw......picking has progressed over the years. I think I've been doing it since I was about 16.
February 10, 2011
Day 9 on this round and my skin is looking the best it has looked in ages. This is getting a little easier. Seeing results really is the best incentive for making me stick with it. Also, checking in to this forum whenever i am feeling weak is really helping. Replace bad habits with healthy day at a time.
February 21, 2011
I'm going to try this 21 day challenge. I pick at least 3 times everyday. In the morning, when I get home from school, and before I go to bed (pretty much anytime I'm in the bathroom). I'm really hoping this will work.
February 23, 2011
I have just spent the best part of the night and early morning picking after 6 days of trying not to. I did have 3 slip ups but none of these exceeded 15mins. I was just admiring my skin how much better it was looking and then I ended up picking for 3 hours plus. Rather than beat myself up I decided to start again and whilst doing some research on habit reversal I came across this site. Reading about people suffering and the way they cope and the encouragement you give each other has made me realise that I don't have to do this alone..... and with raised spirits I am going to take up the challenge too. Good luck people and don't be hard on yourself if you do temporarily lapse... focus on the days you didn't pick and start again. ;)
February 23, 2011
I have just spent the best part of the night and early morning picking after 6 days of trying not to. I did have 3 slip ups but none of these exceeded 15mins. I was just admiring my skin how much better it was looking and then I ended up picking for 3 hours plus. Rather than beat myself up I decided to start again and whilst doing some research on habit reversal I came across this site. Reading about people suffering and the way they cope and the encouragement you give each other has made me realise that I don't have to do this alone..... and with raised spirits I am going to take up the challenge too. Good luck people and don't be hard on yourself if you do temporarily lapse... focus on the days you didn't pick and start again. ;)
February 23, 2011
I have just spent the best part of the night and early morning picking after 6 days of trying not to. I did have 3 slip ups but none of these exceeded 15mins. I was just admiring my skin how much better it was looking and then I ended up picking for 3 hours plus. Rather than beat myself up I decided to start again and whilst doing some research on habit reversal I came across this site. Reading about people suffering and the way they cope and the encouragement you give each other has made me realise that I don't have to do this alone..... and with raised spirits I am going to take up the challenge too. Good luck people and don't be hard on yourself if you do temporarily lapse... focus on the days you didn't pick and start again. ;)
February 24, 2011
thank you to whoever invented this website. i feel very lucky to have found a place where others who are suffering can share and support. (also really glad this message board is current/active!) i'm excited to start my challenge! i rarely/never post on websites, but hopefully this will make me feel more accountable. i'm sick of this pain and sadness.
April 14, 2013
I have tried doing this but I always fail.... anyway.. does't hurt to try again. As of today, I'll start as day 1 from this time. Hopefully if everything works out I will break this habit by May 6.

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