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lea14 , 07 Apr 2011

Does anyone want to join me in my 2 week challenge - NO PICKING

I pick and squeeze pimples on my face ALL the time and i have had the problem for years. A lot of people try the 30 day challenge for no picking but i think that this goal is too big and that i will just set myself up for failure. So instead, i am going to try 2 weeks of NO PICKING at all. I will post a comment every day saying how i went. IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME PLEASE DO and post how you went every day as well :) if by the end of the 2 weeks i was successful, ill try for another 2 weeks - making a whole month.
42 Answers
April 10, 2011
SAME i do it all the time and i am going to start my 2 weeks from today! I am going to have a shower and just not look in the mirror at all (hopefully it will fog up!!!) such a good goal lea and good motivation!
April 11, 2011
Day 2! Did pretty well! It was harder than yesterday, but I think the more days that go by the the better it will get as things heal and there is less to pick at!
April 11, 2011
I just joined today, i have been reading this websites for the past couple of days , and today i promised my husband to stop picking for at least the next two weeks, because we will be taking maternity pictures and i want my face to clear up. i am 31 weeks along in my pregnancy and my hormones are causing me to break out all over my face, on top of this i have excema on my arms and i pick at that also, along with ingrown hairs on my legs. it feels very weird to talk about my picking because i have never really opened up about it completely. since meeting my husband i have started picking less back in high school, it was so bad that i would actually take pointed tweezers and safety pins, and would dig at my skin. i have improved greatly since then, but have not completely stopped. after reading threw the website, i have realized that some of it could be genetic, because my mother picks, and my father has OCD. my over all goal for my self is to eventually quit completely, before my children are old enough to realize what i am doing, so they don't do it to. Feel free to comment on my situation, with tips of what worked for you, i would really appreciate. i am very glad to have found a forum for this topic, and love being able to read up on every ones achievements, it gives me hope that i will be able to stop one day.
April 11, 2011
I would love to join the 2 week challenge! But I know myself way too well. The longest I have ever gone without picking my face was 12 days and that was over 2 years ago. Those two weeks were like the best and worst of my entire life. I have been really picking my face since I was seventeen. I always thought I would be able to just stop, or at least grow out of the habit. But every year a new promise was made, and then broken. The only people who really know is my immediate family. I am so tired of hiding behind my makeup and my problem. I can't date, or look at some in the eye. I am so worried that they will see my handy-work. I hate myself for it. I just want to stop having the urge. When I feel the urge, I can't even stop myself, my brain and my hands just don't listen. I have tried steroid cremes, every moisturizer creme, thousands of dollars on soap, tones, facials, medication. I even tried hypnosis. Nothing has really worked. I also removed all mirrors in the house, hoping that I will not get the urge to pick at my face. The strange thing is I really have great skin, when I was a teenager I didn't have acne like other girls. But now that I am constantly touching my face, it always feels dirty and I have to pick at all the white heads and black heads, or at the scabs. It has to feel smooth in order for me to "stop picking" I want to try to stop, maybe this challenge will finally be the key. Honestly I can't believe how many people on this site sound exactly like me. Its nice to know that we are not alone. So today, so far I have not really touched my face. Let the Challenge begin!
April 12, 2011

In reply to by tiredanduseless

Day 2 of this Challenge, and I already failed. I was so excited that this just might work, and I did so well all day long. But last night after going to bed, I could not sleep. I was so worried that I would start picking at my face that I began to mess with my skin from the sheer stress of it. Needless to say I have to start over this challenge, I knew this was going to happen! Maybe today I will do better.... Maybe going "cold turkey" is a bit much. But I have to try, I can't keep living like this.
April 12, 2011
IM ALL IN. I seriously will comment everyday, psyched.
April 12, 2011
Day 3: Going pretty good! I'm not gonna say I didn't pick at all, but nothing major and my legs are already looking and feeling, so much better. I pick at other things too, but I'm mainly focusing on my legs cuz, they are the only part of my body I completely destroy. I never noticed how much I actually pick until I try to stop. I guess I do it subconscously. Any one else pick at their legs mainly? I used to pick my face really bad. I would stand in front of the mirror for like an hour every night just picking till it was destroyed and then I caked on make-up the next morning, but as my acne gradually cleared up and eventually went away I felt so much better about how I looked that I just stopped. I still use a ton of make-up tho out of habit. I wish I could do that with my legs, but I think because it's not something that is seen in public everyday I don't have the same motivation to stop. It's easily hidden most of the time without any effort. Until the summer. I also pick at my scalp alot. I pick at everything, but nothing major or noticable except for my legs, which are covered in tiny round scars.
April 12, 2011
Well, it's back to day one for me :( I had gone about 9 days and my face was looking so great, but I let my guard down for 1 second last night and completely destroyed it. I can't go on like this anymore. This same vicious cycle, week after week. This time I am stopping once and for all. I know I have it in me. I WILL CONQUER THIS.
April 13, 2011

In reply to by lisa2324

I feel for you! It's the same for me. Usually I manage to do good for some days so my skin heals and looks so much better... then I destroy it once again. :( Over and over and over, like a neverending loop. 2 days ago I hit rock bottom again and felt desperate. Now it's going better, I'm not picking and trying to beat this again. Be brave, we will beat skin picking!
April 14, 2011

In reply to by Yuuki

Thanks Yuuki! Isn't it so comforting to know that were not alone in this battle? It sounds like we have the same problem but this time we will be able to deny the urges to pick and break the cycle for good! I feel like keeping a positive attitude is extremely important if we ever want to achieve success, so stay positive and don't give up! :)
April 14, 2011

In reply to by lisa2324

Thank you, lisa2324! :) It's really conforting, yeah. Thanks god I found this site and you people!!! I was doing fine, I managed to stay picking-free for a couple of days and my skin was healing nicely. But I picked again a few hours ago and created 2 wounds. I didn't touch anything else though. I'm pretty upset with myself because NO ONE would've EVER gonna notice the teeny-tiny blemishes if I hadn't picked at them. Now instead they're almost impossible to hide, and I have to meet some friends on sunday! Damn!! What's done is done, I can't change the past. -_- Tomorrow is day 1, I'm determined not to be depressed and try to stay focus and positive!! I'll never give up on this!
April 16, 2011

In reply to by Yuuki

That's fantastic that you were able to contain your picking and not lose control!! I know exactly how you feel though-that sinking feeling that follows a picking session is the worst feeling ever. But from the sounds of it you didn't do too much damage. And remember, any progress is worth celebrating! We can do this! Just take one step at a time :)
April 12, 2011
first day, but its only 5:30 and I usually get urges at night, Ill update tomorrow.
April 13, 2011
Day 3, so I only picked my face for a little bit. Finally didn't destroy it. I hope I can keep this up for the rest of the day. I find that the urge to pick my healing skin is right after my shower in the morning and right before I go to bed. I have GOT to find a cure. Something that will distract me long enough so that I can remember Not to pick my skin. Sometimes I think that maybe I should just get rid of all my makeup. I know that would work, but I would never leave this house. Just a thought though.
April 13, 2011
I am in! I am so happy that I have found this forum. I've been in therapy for a couple of years, but I haven't been able to stop picking. All mirrors are removed from the house, I have used patches to cover up things I wanted to pick at to keep from doing it, I have written notes to myself every day about why I shouldn't pick, and how much it hurts me, but nothing has really worked. I had never considered the support available on line, but when I googled skin picking last night, I found so many other people suffering from this. And for some reason it was at once painful and comforting. When I saw this challenge, I felt enough motivation for me to be hopeful. And today has been such an amazing day, because i have not made a singe wound. It has been extremely hard, and now I am so happy that I managed, even though I have been home alone all day. I really hope that this time I will succeed. It helped me very much today to think about all of you, and to consider this a joined battle. I wish you all the best of luck.
April 13, 2011
Im trying to realise-it doesnt look as bad as it 'feels' if that makes sense. Skins healing well, stil a bit worried about some areas. Gna try and keep it all off my mind for a few days-makes me feel worse just thinking and looking at skin lol!
April 14, 2011

In reply to by sho1234

that is so true, when you feel a pimple it seems like it's a gigantic thing sticking out of your face but then if you look at it in the mirror from a reasonable distance most of the time you can barely even see them

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