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lea14 , 07 Apr 2011

Does anyone want to join me in my 2 week challenge - NO PICKING

I pick and squeeze pimples on my face ALL the time and i have had the problem for years. A lot of people try the 30 day challenge for no picking but i think that this goal is too big and that i will just set myself up for failure. So instead, i am going to try 2 weeks of NO PICKING at all. I will post a comment every day saying how i went. IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME PLEASE DO and post how you went every day as well :) if by the end of the 2 weeks i was successful, ill try for another 2 weeks - making a whole month.
42 Answers
April 15, 2011
I am on day three, and so far it is a lot more challenging than day 1 and 2! I am home alone sick with the flu, and finding it hard to keep the motivation. I still haven't touched my face or tried to reach my make up with mirrors, which have been put up on a shelf where I can't reach it, but after my shower I allowed myself to pick a little at my shoulders and my shins. These aren't my serious problem areas, but I am still disappointed that I didn't stick to no picking AT ALL! at least it was only a couple of minutes and not hours, which it probably would have been, if I hadn't had this forum. Tomorrow I am going on vacation for a week and I will be with my husband twentyfourseven, so it should be easier for me to meet the challenge. i am so grateful that he is committed to helping me with this. Years ago he would yell at me and tell me to stop, if he had a feeling I was picking in another room, but now he really understands that this is a serious illness and that he needs to be supportive and sympathetic if he wants to help me, because making me feel guilty about it only makes it worse. I showed him the clip with Angela hartlin, and he was so moved to hear some one explain the disease exactly like I have been explaining it to him for years... she is so very brave.
April 16, 2011
Awesome idea! Very inspiring comments! I have psoriasis which makes picking a lot easier as "skin thingies" manifest themselves without picking... However, picking makes it a lot worse. Knees, elbows, scalp. I once got REALLY SICK AND TIRED of the whole thing, and decided to heal my skin. I was angry and very determined. I did the whole regimen the dermatologist prescribed to do three times a day to clear up the sores first, besides of course not picking. I could not believe the results. My skin and my scalp which was the tougher thing to deal with cleared up completely in one month! I had to show it to my dermatologist as I did not know then that it really is a different issue. Since it was November, high time for bad skin going worse, she expected me to complain. When she saw me, she could not believe her eyes. No scars, no scabs, clear, smooth skin all over! (From the amount of lotion I applied 3 times a day AND no picking at all it was better be...) However, all good things come to an end. This happened a few years ago, and I am back - my skin and scalp is worse than ever. I realized I need constant support and inspiration from people who know it's not as simple as "just stop it, it's not good for you." SO I'm in, April 16, day one. Good night.

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