6 Useful Tips on How to Attend a Trich Conference

May 22nd, 2014

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Becca is a vlogger who covers her life with trichotillomania on her YouTube channel, TrichJournal. She recently made a video discussing 6 useful tips that will help you have a good time at the conference, and even make a few friends in the process


1. Being Nervous is Normal Doing anything for the first time can make you anxious. And that's fine because there are lots of things to take care of: settle down in your hotel room if you're from out of town, find the venue, and finally register. If it all makes you feel nervous, look at people around you. Seeing that everybody is going through the same experience will help you relax.

2. Respect Others' Privacy Each person has a different attitude toward their condition. Some are more outgoing about it than others so, if you want to take photos with other people, ask them for permission first.

3. Make Friends! Trich affects 2 to 3 percent of the population. For that reason, people with trich or skin picking sometimes feel isolated and alone, ashamed and hiding their condition. At a conference, you will be surrounded by people who understand what living with BFRB feels like. So use this opportunity to open up - listen, learn, socialize, and make new friends.

4. Respect Others' Opinions Conferences bring together men and women, children, adults and the elderly, people from different nations and all walks of life. Everybody has a different experience with their condition so feel free to exchange information and ideas, but respect their viewpoints.

5. Help Others Most people feel comfortable finding information online and socializing on forums and chat rooms, where their privacy is protected. Coming to a conference is a much different experience. Some people may feel so overwhelmed, they will sit in a corner without participating in the activities. If you see somebody who is shy and distant, approach them and see if you can help. And if it's you sitting in a corner, remember that you are surrounded by friends who are dealing with the same issues.

6. Have fun! Conferences have a schedule of panels and activities, but what good is it all if you don't have fun? You can get all the information you need online, but making good, old-fashioned human connections is what will stay with you long after the conference is over.


Skinpick’s editorial team is comprised of mental health professionals who specialize in research and treatment of BFRBs (body focused repetitive behaviors) such as excoriation (skin picking) disorder.  You can read more about our authors here.

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