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somuchpain , 05 Feb 2017


I've been lurking on the site for a while now and finally decided to join. I can't take the pain and embarrassment anymore! Just got done squeezing and digging at what was probably a nonexistent acne cyst on my face. I know I need to stop doing this. The deep scars are embarrassing and I can't deal with another skin infection. Now I'm just icing my forehead down. Not much else i can do. Any tips on how to stop. I'm too embarrassed to tell the doctor I'm creating these infections myself. But I'm also tired of hiding. It's been a year from hell trying to hide this disorder. I need to stop!!

145 Answers
February 15, 2017

Not keeping the ice on there too long. Just long enough to cool the area down. Have some hydrocortisone cream but only used it once. It burned so i washed it off

February 15, 2017

It looks like crap! Trying to stay positive. Doesn't hurt as much anymore. Just feels so dry and cracky. Trying not to open my mouth very much. Dr said it was impetigo. Hoping the meds kick in really well today. This is day two so they should. Probably wouldn't be as bad if i didn't burn the area with alcohol! Sigh. Want to go home and hide

February 15, 2017

Oh...impetigo (highly contagious) started it or ended up as? Did he take a swab?
don't ice it anymore as it could cause more problems to fragile and healing skin.

Maybe the hibitane is preventing it from healing and might be too strong for the skin? Can yiu try a very diluted version when washing? And do you scrub with a cloth or brush or just fingertips.

February 15, 2017

I've stopped using the hibeclens. It can be very drying. I just either splash water on it or use a qtip trying to not scrub even tho i want to. Not sure if it started out as impetigo or not. No swab done. Just gave meds and no clear instructions on what to do

February 16, 2017

How are you? I've been complaining about myself without asking how you are. Sorry. More frustrated with myself than anything else. Just want to feel "normal". Haven't felt that way in about a year. I used to just wash my face if i even did that, put lotion on and sometimes powder. Now I'm obsessed with looking at myself in the mirror!

February 16, 2017's your discussion thread and the point is to talk about yourself. The frustration with ourselves is a big thing, but learning what to do to maintain and not overdo is helpful.

February 16, 2017

I like the idea of the diary thread.
My face has no infection, but I sure am wanting to know the reason why there are plugs that form in and around the areas that Ive picked. I do have seborrhea hylerpladia and and some plugged pores around my nose....but anything that I end up picking has a whole lot more underneath. It's been going on for about 5 years....worse since 2013. I have a 20x mirror and very pointy tweezers. Sigh.
I agree with you, I'm sick of lookng in the mirror. Im 62, and while Ive had acne throughout periods of time in my life....this I never expected. I've made roadmaps of scars on my face, and while they dont bother me because I can cover them up OK.....i still don't have a reason why my skin does it except a protection and immune response from the picking. A cycle from hell.
This site has helped with some suggestions from others who have done the same.

February 16, 2017

My chin is slowly looking better. Wish a miracle would happen and it would disappear overnight. Parts of the area are still cracking open. It sucks! Wish it would just have one nice big scab over the area. Instead i seem to have different stages of healing in different areas.

February 17, 2017

More progress i think. Washed my chin off and got most of the crusty stuff off. Can see one huge white plug looking back at me. So wanted to grab for my tweezers and dig it out but I've left it alone so far. It's already drying out. Hoping it will flake off soon. Think I've come to the conclusion that the white plugs will work their way out on their own without my help. It's taken this long to realize this. Fingers crossed i can resist the urge to dig it out! I'm on an antibiotic so that will help it too. Gotta keep telling myself that

February 17, 2017

The weekend is coming....hopefully, it'll be much farther in its healing phase.
I know I'd not resist the urge to puck the plug....ugh.

February 17, 2017

I didn't pick it...Yay! The whole area is nice and scabby. Not going to do much to it today. Think it's finally healing i hope. Wondering if I've been washing it too much. Even plain water makes it really red. Going to ignore it the next couple of days and see how that goes.

February 17, 2017

Or...too much burning of the area causing further problems. Finding the right balance is a good thing.

February 17, 2017

Definitely. The area is looking so much better! Only a little swelling on part of my chin. It's not bright red anymore. A bunch of dry yucky skin came off and it's pink underneath. Don't think it's all done peeling yet tho. There is still the one scabby area where the original sore was. Actually starting to think it really was impetigo. Sort if wish i would have had a stronger dose of the antibiotic. She lowered it because I'm smaller. Thinking it would have started to heal quicker with a stronger dosage. Oh well. Not going to get my hair cut til next weekend. By then i should be all better if i just leave my face alone. Did cut my nails today so i can't scratch.

February 17, 2017

Grrr! Just cleaned the area and couldn't resist the urge to give a little tug. Think some pus came out. And a little blood. Trying not to freak out! My boyfriend is on his way over and now i look worse than before.

February 18, 2017

Ah...hard to resist. Maybe now, thats9the end of guck in there. Hope today has it doing much better.


February 18, 2017

Doing a lot better today. Not nearly as swollen. Hoping that was the rest of the yucky stuff. Trying to leave all the skin alone. It looks dry and peely but i know it will fall off when ready. Busy day with plenty to do outside so that should help

February 19, 2017

Ever notice that things heal so much faster when all the internal offenders have been removed? Keep us updated......seems the meds and the overexhuberant physical intervention kept to a minimum has worked.

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