Online Test

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somuchpain , 05 Feb 2017


I've been lurking on the site for a while now and finally decided to join. I can't take the pain and embarrassment anymore! Just got done squeezing and digging at what was probably a nonexistent acne cyst on my face. I know I need to stop doing this. The deep scars are embarrassing and I can't deal with another skin infection. Now I'm just icing my forehead down. Not much else i can do. Any tips on how to stop. I'm too embarrassed to tell the doctor I'm creating these infections myself. But I'm also tired of hiding. It's been a year from hell trying to hide this disorder. I need to stop!!

145 Answers
March 07, 2017

Have come to the conclusion that the antibiotic ointment was just keeping the area raw. Used barely any last night and none today. I've only used hydrocortisone cream and oil free lotion. It cracked and bled a bit at lunch. Didn't realize it until i went back into work. Ugh! Got home today and most of the dry skin flaked right off! Only a little raw area left. Definitely finally healing!

March 08, 2017

That is possible since it keeps skin moist being an ointment. The trick is knowing when to continue and when to stop. Since your infection is done, stopping seems a reasonable decision.

I have been using calming Eucerin daily moisturising creme on my shins and tried it on my face in the areas that have been a problem, and I must say that it's been a good thing. I still have to pick out the plug things that tend to surround the wounds, but they're easier to remove (i'm not causing more damage) and are healing nicely with minimal scaling. It's a suggestion. The lotion has menthol, so I'm not suggesting that one. If you have itching skin's a good product to have on hand for those areas. I've not broken out on my face where I use it.
Hope today is a huge turnaround for you. Thanks for the updates.

March 09, 2017

Went ahead and went back to get more antibiotics. Got a stronger dose this time. Was more embarrassed than anything else. Felt pretty stingy today. Said the first antibiotic didn't get rid of it all the first time so as soon as it got out of my system it spread. Ready for this to be off my chin. Wash it twice a day and put ointment on and take meds for 7 days. I finally had to give up on treating it myself. Should have gone in this weekend but thought it was improving. Oh well. no more sqsqueezing or touching it! The area burns again. Hate that. Just wish the redness would subside some

March 09, 2017

Somuchpain.....good call on the antibiotics. What was suggested for the washing?


March 09, 2017

Should not have waited so long to go back to the dr. I advise anyone that might have an infected sore to go to the dr or go back if it's not healing. Even if you're too embarrassed because you've been messing with it. I'm sure my chin would be all healed up by now. Medicine is starting to kick on. Noticed that I've got a bright red dry rash on my hand to. Guessing it spread. It's not burning as bad now. Had cold chills last night and this morning. Definitely not messing with anything ever again. Bet this leaves another nasty scar to add to my collection...grr

March 09, 2017

Should not have waited so long to go back to the dr. I advise anyone that might have an infected sore to go to the dr or go back if it's not healing. Even if you're too embarrassed because you've been messing with it. I'm sure my chin would be all healed up by now. Medicine is starting to kick on. Noticed that I've got a bright red dry rash on my hand to. Guessing it spread. It's not burning as bad now. Had cold chills last night and this morning. Definitely not messing with anything ever again. Bet this leaves another nasty scar to add to my collection...grr

March 10, 2017

Hi...what antibiotic are you on this time? Rash on your hands could be an allergic reaction to it.
Can you explain what it looks like and where exactly?
Make sure you use clean everything to dry, no using the sale on your face as hands, etc.

March 10, 2017

It's the same antibiotic but at a higher dose. Don't think it's an allergic reaction. I think the infection was starting to spread at that point. I'm two days thru the seven day course and it's definitely healing this time. It started to last time but don't think it was enough of the antibiotic to clear it. My hand is red and dry in between my fingers and on my knuncles. I've got a nice scab on my chin and lots of flaky skin. Trying not too flake off the dead skin around the scab. It's peeling away from my face. Looks pretty gross. Most of the swelling is gone and it's just a little pink. Itchy as hell too! Scared to see the scar that awaits me. I had another white lump of pus under the skin on the other side of my chin. That one is drying out pretty quick. So far feeling pretty good. Was the right call to go back to the dr.

March 11, 2017

Hi....yes, right call to get on antibiotics again. And if it's not completely healed by the completion of the course....see your doc again.

Did he/she look at your hands?

Hope today shows more good progress. Don't worry about the scar at this will take a while for it to minimise.

March 11, 2017

No she didn't look at my hands but they are much better today. Just a little dry but not red. Have a lots of skin peeling right now. Still slightly swollen on my chin and pink but looking better. Hoping it will be completely healed here soon. I dont have an open wound anymore so that is good. No more oozing or fluid either.

March 12, 2017

Did the doc swab the area? Two thumbs up for the progress!

March 12, 2017

Sundays are my most tempting days to pick. Doing pretty good so far. Started squeezing a few blackhead and stopped. Trying to stay busy and be ocd about cleaning house instead of my face! Resisting the urge to put a whole bunch of different things on my face. Chemicals won't heal it any faster. Just have to let my body and meds do the job

March 13, 2017

Did really good this afternoon and tonight. Used a light facial mask on the rest of my face then took a nice hot bath and lotioned up and relaxed. Got the whole house cleaned and sanitized and my car too. Chin is making a lot of progress. I'm just over half way thru the antibiotic so hoping for massive improvements from here on out.

March 13, 2017

Me too hoping for massive improvents! But it sounds like this will be a better week for you. Have you had your hair cut yet?

March 13, 2017

No. I decided to let my chin heal up more. Maybe this weekend. Have plenty to donate to locks of love

March 14, 2017

A good plan. How is today? When are you off the meds?

March 14, 2017

Today is going pretty good. Still have some pink skin but most of the swelling is gone. My lymph nodes kicked in to help fight the infection saturday night. They aren't as swollen or sore now. Pretty sure the infection is gone and the skin is healing. I should finish the antibiotic on Wednesday afternoon. Haven't had too many side effects like i usually do so that's good. I definitely feel much better. Think I've been fighting it for a few weeks now! Still looks like I've got an indent on my chin but it's way better than an open oozing red wound. Trying to stay positive

March 14, 2017

Wow, i don't remember reading your lymph nodes were swollen.....must have been even more painful. All seems healing is well on its way. Yay!

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